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Born in Graz 1973 I have lived in Vienna for over 30 years. In September 2022 I moved from Austria to the Dominican Republic to Las Galeras.
My desire has always been living by the sea and I love this country with all the green, the blue and it´s climate.
After a few months I already feel like at home.

I am connected to Graz and Styria by my roots and especially by the part of my family that still lives in Styria.
In Vienna I studied, worked and found wonderful friends. I am a proud mother of my daughter Lena (born in 1999) and my son Max (born in 2001), both of whom grew up in Vienna, but don´t live there anymore. I am also connected to Vienna by my friends and clients.

Professional Background

Conventional Medicine                                                                         

2006 PHD at the Medical University of Vienna, attainment of ius practicandi in 2014

CranioSacral Therapy

Upledger CranioSacral Therapy at the Upledger-Institute, certification 2008

Classical Homeopathy

Training at the Austrian association for homeopathical medicine (öghm ), diploma in homeopathic medicine of the Austrian Medical Association 2010

Visceral Osteopathy

Visceral Manipulation according to Barral at the Barral-Institut,
Biodynamical Cardio-Vascular Work byi Carlos Rodeiro - certificate 2021

Spiritual healing

Training with Regina Hruska 2020 to 2022

My first encounter, with CranioSacral Therapy and Homeopathy, was from the patient´s side. I could not comprehend how “the laying on of hands” and “globules containing kind of nothing” had an impact on my children and me - but the effects were clearly noticeable. As a result of my curiosity, I began training in both areas.
In this spirit, there is no “standard treatment” for certain symptoms. Every person is treated as an individual who reacts to their surroundings in her or his own unique way and therefore needs individual treatment.
Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy, described disease as a “decrease of vital force” (Org.§11). Not a disease nor a symptom is treated, rather the human being in the entirety of body, mind and soul.
CranioSacral Therapy follows the same principle of treating the whole “system”, instead of the symptoms. The goal is to restore balance within the patient and therefore strengthening the life force.

To this day my thirst for knowledge has yet to be satisfied, which resulted in me expanding my horizon and dealing in depth with visceral osteopathy, Ayurveda as well as healing shamanism.
In the words of Samuel Hahnemann: "aude sapere" (“dare to know”).

“The physician`s highest calling, his only calling, is to make sick people healthy – to heal as it is termed.”

(Samuel Hahnemann, § 1 Organon of medicine, 1921)